attempt limit

Max Attempt Limits on Objectives: A Quick Guide

September 25, 20241 min read

Find out how to use the Max Attempt Limit on objectives to allow your bot to "give up" after so many attempts.

Ever wondered how to control the number of times your bot tries to collect specific information from a user? This is where Max Attempt Limits come into play.

What Are Max Retry Limits?

Sometimes you have an objective that you may want, but don't want it to hold up the lead qualification process. You can make objectives optional by setting a retry limit. This is a limit on the number of times your bot will attempt to accomplish the objective before skipping it and moving on to the next one.

Closer Look

Here you can see we have a Max Attempt limit of 2 set for our objective crm. This means that if the bot is stuck trying to accomplish this objective for 2 messages, it will give up and move on to whatever is next.

We can see an example of that here where it moved on from the objective crm and onto the objective email without completing it. We know it didn't complete it because there's no green checkmark ✅ signifying the previous objective had been accomplished.

Example: If you're building a bot to schedule appointments, you might set a high Max Attempt limit for questions like "What is your preferred date?" as it's crucial for scheduling. However, for optional information like "Do you have any special requests?", a lower limit might suffice.

By effectively using Max Attempt Limits, you can create your AGENT AI Chat Bot to be more efficient and user-friendly by making it adaptive to different user behaviours.

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