Extra Prompt Area in the Objective Builder

How to Use the Extra Prompt Area in the Objective Builder | Tips and Best Practices

June 11, 20241 min read

How to Use the Extra Prompt Area in the Objective Builder | Tips and Best Practices

▶️ What the extra prompt area does in the objective builder and tips on how to use it

In this video, we dive deep into the functionality of the Extra Prompt Area, a hidden field designed to give your bot additional clarity and context during specific stages of an objective. Learn how to expand on your short descriptions and include crucial objective-specific information to enhance your bot's performance.

The extra prompt is used to expand on your short description. Any objective-specific information should be put in this section instead of your main tab. This prompt area behaves just like the main prompt, but is only visible to the bot while it’s working on this specific objective. This is your time to give the bot extra clarity or information specific to this stage in the lead conversation. Examples on what to put here:

  • Extra clarification on the objective description

  • Explicit instructions on how you want to bot to respond in certain scenarios during this objective stage

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